
Passager Password Manager Backend

This project is a set of web services to use Passager Password Manager within an organization, enabling password sharing capabilities and other features which are available only when Passager doesn’t run in local mode.

How to quick start

You can quickly build and run the backend docker image by:

  1. Copy the content of .env_template to a file named .env and complete it with real configuration parameters.
  2. Run docker run -d --restart=always --env-file /path/to/your/.env -p 3001-3002:3001-3002 oriolegea/passager-backend:latest to start the docker container. It will restart automatically in case something goes wrong and the app crashes.

While the container is up, you will be able to access the service at http://localhost:3001 (authentication service) and http://localhost:3002 (documents service).

Developing in local

If you prefer to run this project without using containers, you can run each service in local. Note that these services need to be configured before running.

Configuration params need to be defined on environment variables.

Do not forget to install dependencies by running npm i inside the documents-service and authentication-service directories.

Both services can be run with the npm run start command.

Available services

This backend project relies on docky to provide a frontend-first developing experience. If you have doubts about how docky works, feel free to refer to its documentation.

Reasons to build this

This project’s unique mission is to replace firebase as the default backend for Passager Password Manager.

Before developing this project, Passager was able both to store passwords locally using localStorage, and in the cloud by using firebase as the main backend.

Unfortunatelly, Firebase was not the ideal solution when compiling Passager as a mobile app using Capacitor, as the Firebase web SDK is not 100% compatible and the login process doesn’t work without requiring third party plugins that are complex to configure.

This set of basic web services offer a way to use Passager remotely, even when it is compiled as a mobile app.

Additionally, with this new approach each organization is able to serve these services and maintain their own database and infrastructure, so maintainers of Passager does not need to maintain and be responsible for a set of centralized systems, which allow the maintainers to focus their efforts in Passager’s Open Source development, instead of focusing them on offering a high-available service and comply with data processing laws and regulations.